Cell-Based Redirection
Walking through large spaces in VR is often done by using teleportation (or a locomotion device). We present two novel redirection techniques to enable real walking in large virtual environments (VEs) using only “room-scale” tracked spaces. The concept, called cell-based redirection, involves dividing the virtual world into discrete cells that have the same size as the physical tracking space. We present two narrative-consistent techniques for relocating the user between adjacent cells while still keeping the same mapping between the physical and the virtual cells. The Bookshelf technique spins the user in the edge of the cell, so that the forward direction becomes back (into the room). The Bird technique moves the user from any point within the current cell to the equivalent point in the destination cell. In this way real room limits are always matching the virtual cell boundaries.
Team: Run Yu, Wallace Lages, Mahdi Nabiyouni, Brandon Ray, Navyaram Kondur, Vikram Chandrashekar, and Doug Bowman